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UX, UI, Team Lead, Game Design, Audio Design

BeeQuest is an asymmetric, multiplayer game for the Meta Quest and Mobile, that immerses players into the world of the Honey Bee. I pitched the concept to Niantic and was selected to build the game during the 10 week Niantic Innovation Labs program. BeeQuest emerged as a shining example of how a game can leverage mobile and HMDs to encourage both outdoor exploration and indoor engagement. Players explore the charming world of a honey bee, tasked with collecting resources, expanding their colony, and fending off wasp invasions.

User Flow and Game Mechanics

BeeQuest has multiple modes, which differ from one device type to another.-- for example, the Resource Collection on HMD versus Mobile. One of my first tasks was to plan out these mode interactions to leverage device capabilities (e.g. GPS) to create a special experience for the players.

The "Bee-conomy" was carefully balanced to ensure each player action felt meaningful and exciting.

Mobile Wireframes & Modes

While similar to HMD, certain modes needed to change to best utilize Mobile capabilities. For instance, on Mobile, the player must venture out into the real world to collect resources.

HMD Wireframes & Modes

Headset users can access three modes: Resource Collection, Resource Management, and Hive Defense. Every player action across each mode was carefully designed to enhance the experience across the entirety of the game.

UI Design

Creating designs that seamlessly translate across HMD and Mobile was a unique and exciting challenge.

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